business elite canada
CIPS offers its members a
number of networking oppor-
tunities by planning events
like the annual ICE Confer-
ence, hosted by CIPS Alberta,
and the national IT Profes-
sionalism Week, both in No-
vember. Events like IT Profes-
sionalism Week are meant to
try and promote professional-
ism in the IT industry.
Both Kucerak and Byers bring
a wealth of experience to
Kucerak has been with the
association for the last thirty
four years, and landed a job
at CIPS immediately after her
university graduation, and
majoring in urban planning.
Byers joined CIPS nineteen
years ago, with a Bachelor of
Commerce degree, with a ma-
jor in Computer Science. She
has been working in the IT
industry since 1986, and has
taken on a slew of board po-
sitions from treasurer, secre-
tary, president, vice president,
and director with a portfolio.
Looking ahead, Byers can see
the IT industry expanding
further and also merging with
the business industry.
“What we are seeing is pro-
fessionals from an IT perspec-
tive that are crossing over to
business strategy and leader-
ship planning,” says Byers.
For more information about
CIPS visit
or send
an email to