ithin the last couple decades,
the construction industry has
seen a tremendous change,
in not only technology used for construc-
tion practices but also in policies, regula-
tions and standards which members in
the industry work towards. The practice
of sustainable building, or green build-
ing, has encouraged the P3 (private and
public) sector to be mindful of their envi-
ronmental impact when working on new
buildings or renovating existing ones.
Green building has not only improved
the impact of the building in its surround-
ings, but has opened numerous oppor-
tunities for employment, and increased
the standard of living for those who work
or reside in a ‘green’ building. As Can-
ada’s green building advocate and the
only organization in Canada dedicated
to increasing the adoption of green and
sustainable buildings, the Canada Green
Building Council (CaGBC) has been at
the forefront of this change.
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