BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 31

environmental, economic and social sus-
tainability. “Over their lifetime, sustainable
buildings typically recover any additional
capital costs that went into their construc-
tion or retrofit,” he explains. “And the shift
to sustainable practices brings very solid
business and economic opportunities and
A focus on sustainability can help to guide
investments towards furthering green
building practices, renewable energy and
energy efficiency technologies, says Mr.
Hutchinson. “We see the standard as a
next step for getting us to a low-carbon
economy and driving an innovation agenda.
It’s a made-in-Canada solution for address-
ing carbon pollution and climate change in
the building sector.”
For those organizations looking to imple-
ment green construction, design and
practices, including zero carbon, into their
business model and building portfolio, the
CaGBC has various educational programs,
at introductory and at an advanced level
to help companies and professionals learn
the required skills they need to practice
green building.
For more information on the CaGBC, visit
their website at
For more information on the new Zero
Carbon Building Standard, visit
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