BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 36

Construction Lien Act, bringing to light
what theTCA considers the chronic issues
of delayed payment that are endemic in
the construction industry. Titled the Reyn-
olds-Vogel Report, the report presented
100 recommendations to modernize the
Act. “[Reformation] will be a good thing for
the industry,” says Mollenhauer, who adds
quick "real time" dispute resolution system
for project disputes and the introduction of
a prompt payment regime are key focuses
and “much needed in Ontario.”
“The industry has grown and diversi-
fied,” says Mollenhauer. “The industry is
traditionally portrayed as a slow mover in
terms of productivity and innovation and
we are beginning to see that change at a
pace we’ve never seen. New methodolo-
gies, and the size of infrastructure projects
are all evolving. The industry has morphed
in recent years but also shown capacity to
evolve and change and tackle new chal-
The model that is most used in the indus-
try is Design, Bid, Build, but that is start-
ing to change. With Design, Bid, and Built
(DBB), a client brings an architect on to
scope out a project, and when the draw-
ings and specs are completed, that pack-
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