BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 45

noise, and starts to pay for itself in time.
“Going union doesn’t cost, it pays,” says
Gardner. Contracting certified, reliable
tradespeople mean a reliable job, and a
good investment for owners.
Unfortunately, builders who go for the low-
est budget may get what they pay for. “A
prime example is a house that has a heat-
ing bill twice as high as the house next
door,” says Gardner. “My heating bill is 5x
lower than the house next to me. They in-
vestigate and found you bought a home
that wasn’t properly insulated—but you
paid for it. Let’s be honest, the insulation
cannot be seen [by the owner]. The home-
owner paid for insulated pipes, see insulat-
ed pipes, they don’t see it is shorted, and
in the long run they are adding GHG gas
emissions, pumps working harder, using
more electricity, and losing money.”
This is exactly the type of scenario Local
95 wants to eliminate. The membership
works everyday to promote pride and skill
in their trade, bringing value to builders
and homeowners alike.
business elite canada 45
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