BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 47

By Anna Guy
ith a long and proud legacy
of potash mining in Sas-
katchewan, Mosaic is com-
mitted to the future more than ever.
Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, population
3,000, is one of the many small towns
that make up the Canadian Prairies. The
town was best known for its connection
to the Esterhazy Hungarian noble fam-
ily up until the 1960s, when the Mosaic
Company opened what would become
the largest potash mine in the world—
and the small town became The Potash
Capital of the World.
Mosaic has a long legacy in Esterhazy,
having opened the first potash mine
in the province over 50 years ago. The
first Esterhazy mines, the K1 mine (K
for Potassium on the periodic table, of
business elite canada 47
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