BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 55

The K3 project was completed in line with
the company’s “relentless pursuit of an
injury-free workplace”—2017 marks the
fourth consecutive year of “record” safety
performance. “More than anything else
our, greatest priority is the safety of the
people working on the project for us,” says
Couture. “We work diligently to develop
and encourage world-class procedures.
Shaft sinking (excavating a vertical tunnel,
like the kind in K3) typically involves blast-
ing to break up the ground—a lot of things
that go with this work that is very high-risk
profile and yet we have safety results that
are world class.”
There aren’t many projects as big or big-
ger or technically challenging as K3. The
new operation represents the future of
Mosaic and the community, and future
reliable food sources. The K3 production
headframe is the tallest structure in Sas-
katchewan—a figurative and literal beacon
for the future of the potash industry in the
business elite canada 55
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