BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 21

“In our time, Contractors wants to build
right away,’’ says Larose. “We have no
choice but to act as leaders. Just like an
engine pulling the train, the architects es-
sentially carry on the team, then fast track
the design and the building process. Now-
adays, people are designing as they go,
and foundation set before the other sys-
tems are properly planning, and that can
cause a lot of mix ups and time delays.
We have a proven track record of avoiding
those types of mistakes—we are leaders
in bringing projects to site as fast as pos-
It is important to retain bright, efficient, and
tech-savvy talent in order to continue on
this upward projection. “To always be on
the precipice of the latest skills and tools,
Jean-Philippe Carrier
Martin Lavictoire
Jean-René Larose
Pascal Cyr
business elite canada 21
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