BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 80

end-to-end. Starting as early as working
with a realtor to do a pre-lease analysis on
building layout, SGH services extend to
design, technical, and conceptual develop-
ment, including things such as branding
and graphics overlay, security, culture de-
velopment, and more.
“We also help companies analyze prior of-
fice environments, strategy analysis, work-
place trends and where design is going,
as all of this relates to the well-being of
people, the environment, security, identity
and business objective,” says Sarkisian.
A look at SGH projects shows the distinct
nature of each. The sweeping, S-shaped
chesterfield upholstered in Sobeys-green
in the entrance of that office. Linear, mini-
mal, and bright offices for a law firm (which
sound-proof glass walls), and a hub where
business professionals can meet, connect
and access expert advice. Large, glossy
campaigns hung in the Puma office, with
large meeting spaces with walls for hang-
ing apparel. And this is just what meets
the eye—what you don’t see is the admin-
istration, workplace strategy, interior de-
sign, relocation services, and change man-
“The analysis of the look and feel of each
office is based on how each operates and
functional requirements and what do they
need to get out of their employees be-
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