followed with strong and quick development with
clients looking for more integrated service and
attention, project competed and underway such
as Scotiabank, TD Bank and Raymond James all
serviced by SGH on a national capacity.
“Our expansion into Nova Scotia and British Co-
lumbia resulted from a need by our clients to
service their work from coast to coast,” says
Tanfield. “Our business model supports the local
economy by building an expanding team of local
professionals servicing the accounts.”
“Ultimately, successful businesses are so be-
cause of many factors, and their office environ-
ment is a significant one,” says Tanfield. SGH
design team manages the entire design process,
proving that project controls and creativity easily
coexist, while providing exceptional design solu-
tions, simplifying project issues and exceeding
client expectations.
“We are big enough to exceed your needs and
small enough to care,” says Tanfield. “Where we
have earned a reputation of confidence and trust
is, at an ownership level, we are very involved,
and our clients know they are our priority. Be-
cause we are very specialized and focused on
what we are good at, our clients know that their
office environment is going to reflect the suc-
cess, pride, and excellence of their organization.
And they know that their clients and partners are
going to walk in and understand this, too, when
they are there.”
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