Job readiness is an important focus at
CCIS. With nearly 5,560 industry partners,
the organization has connections to sec-
tors like energy, oil and gas, engineering,
construction, manufacturing, service and
retail. The good news for employers is that
CCIS has an extensive database of profes-
sionals. Between 2009 and 2014, 12,000
newcomers with experience and expertise
in specific trades partook in CCIS’s Busi-
ness, Employment and Training Services
division. In 2014, CCIS conducted about
5,900 hours of trades training instruction.
When Birjandian joined the group in 1988,
the organization had grown to about 40
people. As a refugee himself, Birjandian is
no stranger to the difficulties of settling in
a new society. In fact, his life prior to arriv-
ing in Canada echoes the agonizing stories
of many newcomers. He was a naval of-
ficer in the Iranian Navy, his wife a high
school teacher. After the revolution, he and
his wife lost their jobs and were prejudiced
for being Baha'i, and harsh treatment and
persecution ensued for a few years. Even-
tually, the situation worsened enough to
make the Birjandian family flee to Pakistan.
Luckily, having studied and worked in Paki-
stan previously, Birjandian was already fa-
miliar with the culture. He soon became
involved with the United Nations High
Commission for Refugees. Once he ar-
rived in Calgary, Birjandian volunteered
with the Red Cross, developing a program
called Support for Survivors of Torture.
He donated his time to CCIS too and was
Daycare child with the US Ambassador
to Canada September 2016
business elite canada 49