BEC / DEC / 2016 - page 40

bring clients with an acquired brain injury
to Ottawa and Edmonton to join their resi-
dential support programs.
Of course, providing a vast range of pro-
grams to people across the country re-
quires a considerable amount of funding
and, like most charitable organizations
realize today, competition for donations
is fierce. March of Dimes still has some
volunteers going door to door and direct
mail campaigns continue to be effective,
but the charity has come up with new,
creative ways to increase support for their
efforts. Volunteer-run fundraising events,
like the Battle of the Bands-style Rock for
Dimes, the annual Walk ‘n’ Roll and this
year’s “All Things Hot & Spicy” cocktail
party, engage the community while rais-
ing money for much-needed services. Its
signature event is the Ability and Beyond
Gala Dinner, which has featured notable
keynote speakers such as
Amy Grant, Captain Mark
Kelly and Aaron Ralston.
Special events, such as
volleyball and dodge ball
tournaments, also help to
attract younger donors.
The hope is to build a rela-
tionship with the younger
generation, and encourage
them to become increas-
ingly engaged with March
of Dimes. Events are prov-
ing to be a more success-
ful tool than solicitation
through social media, Spin-
del said.
“Fundraising through so-
cial media is most effec-
tive when there’s a crisis
A Conductive Education
program participant
in Halifax at a music
therapy session
40 business elite canada
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