Started originally in Ontario, the organiza-
tion launched its first out-of-province pro-
gram in Vancouver, focusing on stroke re-
covery services. They became national in
scope in 2006 and created March of Dimes
Canada as an entity separate from Ontario
March of Dimes. “We’ve not only contin-
ued to do what was being done then, but
we’ve created many more services. We’re
very diverse in our offerings and we have
partnerships now that are unique and dif-
ferent to both the private sector and the
non-profit sector,” Spindel said. In 2013,
the two organizations merged into one as
March of Dimes Canada.
What makes March of Dimes Canada
unique is its dedication to helping anyone
with a physical disability, no matter its ori-
gin. While some charitable organizations
limit their reach to those affected by a
particular disease or condition, March of
Dimes Canada isn’t concerned about the
cause. Some clients have been in acci-
dents, others are born with a disability or
even the simple act of aging can lead to
new limitations. Their vision is inclusivity
with a mission to “maximize the indepen-
dence, personal empowerment and com-
Conductive Education Program participant during a therapy session
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