BEC / DEC / 2016 - page 33

aware and ahead of technological or indus-
trial changes constitutes a large portion
of this research. “Because we are always
proactively engaging in what is to come,
we're always prepared for the changing
market,” Giselle said.
As the company reaches greater heights,
it continues to spread its prosperity to ev-
eryone around. Powerline takes corporate
social responsibility very seriously and
generously contributes to the wellbeing
of the community, especially the Scarbor-
ough area. Every year, the company par-
ticipates in various fundraisers, charitable
events and sponsorships. From the Ross
Tilley Burn Centre at Sunnybrook Hospi-
tal to Habitat for Humanity and the Breast
Cancer Society of Canada, Powerline Plus
is invested in the community.
business elite canada 33
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