munity participation of people with physi-
cal disabilities”.
“We provide functional services more than
disease-specific. If you have multiple scle-
rosis or muscular dystrophy or ALS, you
might well be getting services from March
of Dimes Canada…” Spindel explained.
“With supportive housing all over Ontario,
your eligibility has nothing to do with the
cause of your disability; it has more to do
with your home situation, your finances
and the care level that you need.”
To say that the range of services and pro-
grams provided by March of Dimes Can-
ada is extensive is an understatement.
From helping businesses comply with ac-
cessibility legislation to conducting medi-
cal clinics in remote northern communi-
ties to helping people with disabilities find
meaningful employment, the organization
stretches far and wide to make it easier
for their clients to break down barriers.
One program eases the transition from
military to civilian life for members of the
Canadian Armed Forces; another sets up
support groups for people recovering from
a stroke. Funding from the Government
of Nunavut will allow March of Dimes to
Recreation and Accessible Travel Program participants on a day trip to Muskoka
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