BEC / DEC / 2016 - page 37

tracting polio, much less asking for “just a
dime” to fund research efforts. But fueled
by a similar passion that saw the March-
ing Mothers knock on doors throughout
their communities, March of Dimes Can-
ada continues to work on behalf of people
with physical disabilities, no matter how
that disability came about.
Andria Spindel is the non-profit organiza-
tion’s president and chief executive officer,
and has been part of its evolution since
joining as executive director in 1981. The
challenge of switching from a job with 18
employees and a $1-million budget to a
staff of 180 and a $5-million budget was
just part of the attraction. Spindel was also
personally aware of the challenges faced
by someone with a disability. Her mother
had been disabled since Spindel was five,
which gave her personal insight into the is-
sues faced by anyone with a disability.
Marching Mothers
business elite canada 37
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