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development in the North Thompson Valley. To and negotiated, they are passed onto SRLLP for
address this historic exclusion, the SFN created its development.
economic arm Simpcw Resources LLP (SRLLP) with
the purpose of generating income and employment “Our corporate structure provides the ability to
for the SFN community and membership. respond quickly to opportunities, rather than just
take advantage of opportunities by setting up a
HISTORY OF SRLLP Joint Venture with non-Indigenous partners. SRLLP
made the decision to engage Joint Ventures where
Prior to the business start-up of SRLLP, SFN appropriate, but to focus on building capacity in our
researched alternate different models for First own band membership via training. Building the
Nations businesses and determined that the LLP capacity of our membership is another key to our
business structure would provide tax and liability success,” said Paul Donald, Director of Strategic
advantages. The LLP structure required a separate Business Development at Simpcw Resources LLP.
board of directors or management committee and
thus moved the decision making for the business SRLLP began its business by managing the forestry
away from Chief and Council over to the new board operations for Simpcw First Nation. SRLLP provided
of directors. This separation of the business arm and site clearing and environmental monitoring for
the political body has been a key ingredient to the several proponents (run-of-the-river hydro, mining,
success of SRLLP. Under this structure, the Chief etc.). SRLLP utilized that experience and expanded
and council of SFN are tasked with negotiating further becoming a pipeline contractor in charge of
the title and rights for SFN, which includes security, medics, environmental, and archaeological
accommodation agreements with government and assessments for the Trans Mountain Expansion
industry. Once business opportunities are identified Project (TMEP). SRLLP since has grown into a multi-