Page 39 - BEC / DEC / 2021
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employment opportunities for other community Nation members, and those members often use
members as the demand for services and supplies their education and training to build even greater
from these Simpcw Businesses increases. opportunities for the community,” said Jason Dorey,
Chief Operating Officer at Simpcw Resources LLP.
SRLLP works closely with Simpcw First Nation
to implement an innovative Cultural Awareness “Our success lies largely with our staff and their
training program with all our partners. This program dedication to our guiding values and principles,”
helps build a greater understanding and respect says Al Chorney, Chief Executive Officer at Simpcw
for Simpcw culture among the business affiliates, Resources LLP.
partners, management teams, and field staff. The
Group’s goal through the implementation of this “We hire based not only on skills, but also on how
training is to create a more inclusive and respectful we feel an individual will fit within the multi-leveled
work environment for Indigenous employees diversified organization. We work in a dynamic,
working on projects within the territory. fast-paced environment and success means that
we need a team who can collaborate on creative
As part of the legacy of SRLLP’s Joint Venture solutions. We’ve managed to build a team of people
Partnerships, its partners contribute to a scholarship whose jobs and personalities are very diverse
fund administered by SRLLP. but, at the end of the day, we’re all aligned in our
commitment to building a company that supports
“This fund creates scholarships for Simpcw First the goals of Simpcw First Nation.”
Nation members completing post-secondary
education, and trades programs. These scholarships
support the long-term goals of Simpcw First