BEC / December / 2013 - page 40

business elite canada
constantly and you have to
change, evolve and adapt to
that or you will fail as a busi-
ness,” he says.
Another area where Whitecap
differentiates itself from the
competition is their group of
loyal employees. Their turn-
over rate is less than 4% per
annum, a phenomenal number
by any measure. How do they
achieve this? The answer, says
Robb, is simple: Whitecap is
a fun and interesting place to
work that rewards its people
for their contribution.
“One of the fundamental
founding principles of the
company is that we have al-
ways prided ourselves in treat-
ing our people with utmost
respect. If we can provide
our people with challeng-
ing and interesting work, in
an environment conducive to
new experiences and person-
al growth, while recognizing
that all people want to con-
tribute in the most positive
way, we will indeed have cre-
ated a special place for people
to work and grow.” He elabo-
rated, “We do things that are a
little bit unique for a privately
held company, especially a
company of our size. As an ex-
ample, we provide profit shar-
ing, which is pretty unheard of
for a company of 35 people.
I strongly believe that it’s the
whole company that makes us
successful. It’s not me or any
individual, it’s the whole com-
pany, the sum of all its parts.
Every year that we are profit-
able—and we have been prof-
itable every single year since
2001—we take a portion of
our profits, divide it out and
share them with everyone in
the company. That way every-
body participates in the suc-
cess of “their” company.”
In addition to profit sharing,
Whitecap also offers bonuses
to its employees.
“When we’re doing really well
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