Montreal, one in Vancouver,
one in Ottawa, and the last
one was in Toronto where the
keynote was from Xerox’s Ca-
nadian CEO.”
He summed up their goal
plainly: “We want more wom-
en in business. We want more
female board members.”
Having achieved large suc-
cess in his career, Karna now
looks forward to helping other
businesses and the commu-
nity achieves similar success:
“It is time to contribute back
to the broader community to
support and sustain and grow
a sector that could be very ro-
Regarding the future of IT,
Karna believes that “the IT in-
dustry will continue to evolve
rapidly but will continue to
be the driving force behind
knowledge economy.”
Gupta notes, “The biggest
change [in] the IT industry…
is called ‘total consumeriza-
tion’. Everything that was
complex and complicated
and required huge processing
power – is now essentially in
your pocket…kids are walking
around with more computing
power in their pocket than
what you have on your desk-
top. The full democratization
of the ICT sector is unfolding
in front of our eyes.”
Karna adds, “As a country,
we are coming out of a nation
that was very much dependent
on… our national resources. If
you look to the next 100 years
we need to have a much larger
play in a knowledge-based
economy. To shape that trans-
formation and to be a part of
that process is very exciting.”
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terested in becoming a mem-
ber of ITAC, you can begin
by filling out the Request for
Membership Form here.
business elite canada