business elite canada
in a given year, we often pay-
out ad hoc bonuses. People
get really excited about that
because it’s not something
they count on. We have been
known to offer bonuses as
many as 2--3 times a year.”
Outside of monetary com-
pensation, Whitecap is also a
firm supporter of the mantra
“Work Hard. Play Hard.”
“We really enjoy our “White-
cap Fun Days!” … This past
summer we closed the com-
pany for a day and rented five
yachts out on Lake Ontario…
We went salmon fishing,
there were prizes, and at the
end of the day there was a big
dinner and award ceremony
to celebrate our catch and our
team. This Christmas/Holi-
day season we are taking our
whole staff, as well as their
spouses and significant oth-
ers to cooking school.”
In a highly competitive mar-
ket, it is these extra measures
that ensure that Whitecap re-
mains at the forefront of the
“You have to remunerate peo-
ple fairly. You obviously have
to be competitive in that re-
gard. Adding competitive re-
muneration along with profit
sharing, bonuses, recognition
and fun helps to maintain ex-
cellent staff. These are the
kinds of things that really dif-
ferentiate our company and
allow us to have such a low
turnover rate.”
When asked to look into a
crystal ball, Mr. Carmichael
was confident that the fu-
ture would be very bright for
“We have a large enviable in-
stalled base of loyal custom-
ers which include some of
Canada’s largest companies.
Our installed base crosses
all industry segments includ-