theme of sustainability is in-
grained into the BCCA’s over-
all principles, which shapes
the relationship the industry
has with buyers of construc-
tion services and the projects
they are building.
Working with government
and industry, the BCCA con-
tinues to pursue improve-
ments to topics such as gov-
ernment procurement policy
and greater response to aging
Skilled labour is another top-
ic shaping the future of the
construction industry, with
shortages of skilled workers
caused by a per fect storm of
increased investment in con-
struction and resource proj-
ects, high demand for skilled
workers throughout the west-
ern provinces, and incoming
retirements by ‘Baby Boom-
er’-era workers depleting the
expertise available.
The BCCA’s Human Resourc-
es programs provide support
to the industry as a whole.
Programs such as the BCCA’s
Skilled Trades Employment
Program (STEP) are unique in
that they are demand-driven
– taking job opportunities
from participating employ-
ers and matching them with
pre-assessed job-ready work-
ers for apprenticeships, jour-
neyperson roles, and labour
positions. A recent study of
STEP indicated strong incre-
mental revenue and a number
business elite canada