the field into the models than
before… Prior to this technol-
ogy they could not handle the
volume of data.”
Tasked with leading a major
part of the company into the
future, Mr. Wheelis expects
new technology to continue
to play a pivotal role.
“The kind of thing you should
expect in the future is more
and more use of technology
in the field. Over 90% of proj-
ect costs are expended in con-
struction, so that’s the place
where customers are able to
save money and time on proj-
ects… Integration is probably
the biggest [idea]. Integrating
not only is design information
but also integrating time in-
formation and cost informa-
tion for a very complete model
across the project.” One such
project where new technology
has already proved highly ef-
fective is the new Winnipeg
Museum of Human Rights,
built by Autodesk construc-
tion customer PCL Construc-
business elite canada