“It’s a very organic design,
[it’s] very difficult to under-
stand. They used the products
in our Autodesk Building De-
sign Suite to be able to model
curved concrete walls and
create the formwork designs
for these walls that were not
only curved but also sloped.
So they were modeled in all
three dimensions and they
were able to use simulation
software to analyze the form-
work pressures for those walls
in ways they could never have
accomplished in a 2D design
world.” Matt continued, “We
really try to provide a suite
that gives the general contrac-
tor everything they need for
complex buildings.”
Not content with only focus-
ing on construction, another
“major area” for the company
is manufacturing. “We have
a whole suite of products for
manufacturing, ranging from
design and products to prod-
uct life cycle management in
the cloud. We also have a di-
vision that focuses on media
and entertainment. The last 17
Academy Awards for special
effects were earned by people
using our software.”
With so many proverbial fin-
gers in so many proverbial
business elite canada