BEC / December / 2013 - page 29

that we take for granted in
North American operations,
but the value is eventually
“Our corporate focus is on
speed and efficiency, but
most importantly doing the
right thing for the reservoir,”
says Schmelzl.
NCS Energy Services ensures
that the method they recom-
mend for completing a well
promotes the long-term vi-
ability of the well and ensures
that the recovery of the tar-
geted resource is not placed
at risk. “NCS is very focused
on doing the right thing for
the rock, not necessarily what
makes the bigger press re-
lease,” says Schmelzl.
NCS Energy Services applies
the principle of “responsible
resource recovery” to their
operations by utilizing tech-
niques that avoid risking the
ultimate resource recovery,
and minimizing environmen-
tal impact. The company
abides by the motto “Leave
nothing behind”; a philoso-
phy referring both to their
ability to provide unobstruct-
ed wellbores after comple-
tion, and the recovery of the
resources themselves. “We
want to ensure that our chil-
dren and their grandchildren
will have the resources avail-
able to them, that are today
entrusted to our care,” says
business elite canada
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