quently. Now sales have reached between
25 to 30 million dollars,” she said, adding
that this growth has been accomplished in
a slow market. Since 2008, people have
been more focused on repairing old equip-
ment instead of buying new, she said.
One of the key drivers behind the com-
pany’s growth has been the innovation
behind its product line. Last year, more
than five per cent of the company's rev-
enue was devoted to research and devel-
opment. Compared to the rudimentary de-
signs of a century ago, boiler technology
has come a long way. Advancements have
allowed boilers to be eco-friendly, which is
a specialty of Groupe Simoneau.
“We still have to burn gas for production
so I said to myself if we have to do it, let's
do it the better way,” Nancy said.
These environmentally friendly boilers are
not only fuel efficient, they are designed
with low emission and energy loss preven-
tion in mind. Boiler emissions standards
are becoming more and more stringent,
which means that older boilers may not
live up to legal emissions rates, but pur-
chasing a new boiler from Groupe Simo-
neau means peace of mind. The best part
is that performance and output are not
The other reason why the company is so
successful is its global footprint. “I am an
“I am an explorer. I always say that my province is not big enough for me. I have
to go out and see things. Being like that, it was natural for me to go and export our
product.” Nancy Simoneau, president
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