the CONFORMiT team had to change its
focus, something that can be tough to do
after devoting years and years to one busi-
ness model.
Despite the initial difficulties, the changes
have been for the best. Now with a mod-
est workforce of 45, the company opened
an office in the U.S. last year. Its partners
continue to be distributed across Canada,
the U.S., Mexico, Morocco and Europe.
From mining and metallurgy to food ser-
vices and manufacturing, CONFORMiT’s
EHS management software is used across
the world in all sorts of industries. Promi-
nent clients include Rio Tinto, Johnson &
Johnson and Kellogg’s.
Desbiens, a serial entrepreneur who
founded eight businesses in various indus-
tries like information technology, business
consulting and Internet services, joined
CONFORMiT in September 2015.
“The market is really crazy now. A lot of
clients directly call us,” he said, adding
with a laugh that the biggest competition
his company faces is Microsoft Word and
Excel, which continue to be the tools that
many companies use to manage their EHS.
But not opting for the best occupational
safety management tools on the market
has serious consequences and can affect
a company's productivity. Not only will
there be increased risk and accidents in
“When you have risk, you need CONFORMiT.” Eric Desbiens, CEO
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