BEC / FEB / 2017 - page 49

the workplace, but violating or neglecting
legal standards, perhaps due to unaware-
ness, costs money, employee loyalty and
brand reputation. So there is lots of room
for growth for IT companies like CONFOR-
In fact, Desbiens’ future projections for
the company in the upcoming years are
numerous, including setting up shop in Eu-
rope by the end of 2017. “My objective is
always to build a company,” he said. And
he has plenty of experience doing that.
Before becoming CEO of CONFORMiT,
Desbiens worked in Germany, Sweden,
the United States and France in various ex-
ecutive and management level roles. Addi-
tionally, he devoted nearly seven years of
his career working for the Canadian Armed
Forces. He was a two-time finalist for Ernst
& Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year award.
He is actively committed to CONFORMiT’s
mission of saving lives.
“When you have risk, you need CONFOR-
MiT,” he says, but improving the safety of
its clients is only part of its vision.
In the same year Desbiens joined the com-
pany, CONFORMiT implemented a sus-
tainable development policy, which puts
into effect practices that respect the en-
vironment and encourage environmentally
responsible behaviours in employees (e.g.
heating, electricity and paper manage-
ment practices). So the company is better-
ing the environment here in Canada, while
saving lives around the world.
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