ized interface helps companies increase
productivity and reduce accidents. In fact,
CONFORMiT offers a return on investment
within nine months.
When CONFORMiT emerged in 1986 in
Saguenay, Quebec, it began as a service
company specializing in occupational safe-
ty. Soon, the company started to develop
the software to support the service. Three
years ago, having changed its business
model, CONFORMiT re-emerged as a soft-
ware company. But this transition came
with many challenges and took three years
to implement.When you change your busi-
ness you need to change the people, Des-
biens explained. Being a service company,
2017-01-20 07:43:49
Sylvain Deschenes, President & Eric Desbiens, CEO
business elite canada 45