We last met up with Cascadia Win-
dows and Doors in 2014. The com-
pany, founded in 2008, had deftly
navigated the Global Financial Cri-
sis by augmenting its fiberglass win-
dow manufacturing with the Casca-
dia Clip, a thermal spacer made from
low-conductivity fiberglass material
that greatly reduces thermal bridging
while improving the effective thermal
resistance of the exterior wall. The
Cascadia Clip was still well within the
wheelhouse of the company, whose
main focus is on the manufacture of
“The Universal Series hits thermal performance values that no other similar
window has ever hit. It is stronger than all of our other products, and can be
used in high rise applications and larger spans and is easier to manufacture,
without a significant rise in cost.” - Mike Battistel, President
104 business elite canada