BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 108

“A typical good, modern aluminum
window R-value is roughly R2 to R3,”
says Battistel. (R value refers to the re-
ciprocal of the thermal transmittance
(U-factor) of a material or assembly).
“Our fiberglass universal series are
R7 or higher. When talking about the
weakest link thermally in the whole
building envelope, that is a huge dif-
ference, almost double the entire ther-
mal effectiveness of the whole build-
ing in many cases. This correlates to
lower operational cost, and by creat-
ing products that minimize energy us-
age in buildings, it also creates huge
impact on overall energy consump-
tion and related climate change.”
Cascadia’s involvement in retrofitting
The Belmont, a 13-story condomini-
108 business elite canada
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