um on Vancouver's west side, raised
several eyebrows. The building’s ex-
isting windows consisted of double
glazing with air fill and no low-e coat-
ings in non-thermally broken alumi-
num frames, accounting for signifi-
cant heat-loss, were replaced by triple
glazed fiberglass windows. In addi-
tion, the exposed concrete walls were
overclad including rockwool insula-
tion and the Cascadia Clip. With the
new configurations, the Belmont’s en-
ergy cost was reduced from $18,000
a year, to $2,000. The results were
so outstanding that it caught the at-
tention of the Association of Profes-
sional Engineers and Geoscientists of
BC’s Sustainability Award, the Canada
Green Building Council, and the Fen-
estration Association of BC’s, who all
awarded the project awards.
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