BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 119

contractors were allowed to compete
for projects. Right now, little compe-
tition makes construction work a lot
more expensive. Based on Sault Ste.
Marie’s own infrastructure estimates
over the next three years, taxpayers
could be over-charged at least $8 mil-
lion for future construction work. Or
look at it this way: closing that legisla-
tive loophole could save taxpayers $8
In Ontario, where up to a billion dollars
worth of municipal construction work
is monopolized each year, changing
antiquated labour laws translates into
major cost savings. According to Car-
dus, those savings are anywhere from
$188 million to $283 million annually,
simply by making small changes in
the way public construction projects
are tendered. These savings are signif-
icant enough to make a difference in
improving public transit, or covering
the cost of badly needed social hous-
ing repairs.
There are clear benefits to bringing la-
bour laws in step with the times. The
public, contractors and workers are
treated more fairly, and it saves mil-
lions in tax dollars. The governments
of Sault Ste. Marie and Manitoba de-
serve our recognition for their efforts,
and hopefully inspiring others to fol-
low their lead.
The Progressive Contractors Associa-
tion of Canada (PCA) is the voice of
progressive unionized employers in
Canada’s construction industry. Its
member companies employ more than
25,000 skilled construction workers
across Canada, represented primarily
by CLAC.
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