who got the chance to not just meet
sports stars, but also to visit the facili-
ties, discover what is there, and sign
up for the upcoming season. It was a
huge success.”
The quality of the architectural ges-
ture is undeniable, and must be seen
to be believed. "Inspired by the tec-
tonic forces, the sculptural approach
of the Complexe sportif de Saint-Lau-
rent proposes two geological objects
whose movement is enhanced by the
human activity on the site," states
main designer Gilles Saucier.
The building design was selected fol-
lowing an architecture competition
won by the team of Saucier + Perrotte
Architectes – Hughes Condon Marler
Architects | SNC Lavalin inc., orga-
nized by the Borough in cooperation
with Ville de Montréal's Bureau du de-
sign. The concept of the winning team
Photo Credit : Olivier Blouin
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