kerage service that could really focus
on our clients’ needs,” says Vadebon-
coeur. “We wanted to focus on small
and medium-sized businesses with
transactions from one to mid-eight
figure range, where we could tangibly
help them run their businesses more
smoothly and efficiently. That is my
passion.” Indeed, Vadeboncoeur has
contributed to numerous commercial
projects throughout Québec, helped
create and maintain several tens of
millions of dollars in investments.
IMMODEV’s secret weapon is a dy-
namic team, adds Vadeboncoeur. IM-
MODEV is anchored by selected bro-
kers whose diverse backgrounds in
finance, government affairs, develop-
ment, and sales, to name a few, offers
ultimate insight into clients' needs.
“Negotiation, site identification, mu-
nicipal approvals, market analysis, and
91 Gaston Dumoulin, Blainville, QC
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