BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 144

surpass some of the most demand-
ing emissions control standards,” says
Roux. “Our focus is to market this
technology in some of the most re-
mote and demanding environments.
We welcome these challenges and
making a positive difference. As part
of our mandate, we are dedicated to
participating towards reducing Cli-
mate Change effects for future gen-
With a focus on clean energy, BSI
Global specializes in creating oppor-
tunities for small nuclear reactors
(under 300 MWe), as a clean energy
source. According to the World Nu-
clear Organization, “There is strong
interest in small and simpler units for
generating electricity from nuclear
power, and for process heat, driven
both by a desire to reduce the impact
of capital costs and to provide power
away from large grid systems. Gener-
ally, modern small reactors for power
generation, and especially SMRs, are
expected to have greater simplicity of
design, economy of series production
largely in factories, short construction
times, and reduced siting costs.”
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