But what’s inspiring the company and
its clients these days is a new product
from NVision’s Learning Campus. The
Path: Your Journey Through Indige-
nous Canada, is a ground-breaking in-
troduction to Indigenous history and
culture, a multi-media learning expe-
rience inspired by the call from the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(TRC) all Canadians to take ‘cultural
competency training and education
on the history of Aboriginal people’.
“This was a natural progression for
NVision,” said Jennifer David, NVision
President. “Everyone in Canada – in
the private sector, in government, in
schools – needs to hear the history
and current realities of First Nations,
Inuit and Métis. We’ve been partner-
ing with, and working in these worlds
for years now; this really is the culmi-
nation of all our experience.”
The Path uses video, animation, quiz-
zes and humour to present the defin-
ing moments that shaped the history
of Indigenous peoples and their rela-
tionship with European settlers, from
the first arrivals on the continent to
yesterday’s headlines. “If you’re doing
business with, or hiring in First Na-
tions, Inuit or Métis communities or
trying to reach First Nations, Inuit and
Métis with a program or service,” said
David, “You need context. If you’re
going to interact, or communicate, or
partner, you really have to understand
enough of the cultures and traditions
to engage. That’s where The Path can
take you.”
The course is available in several for-
mats, including a half or full day in-
person workshop, a 5-module online
course (approximately 3 hours of
learning), or a blended program that
“Our tagline says it all – ‘Your Vision. Our Insight’. Clients come to us
with a vision; we provide the technical insight to help them achieve it.”
-Shelley Burke, Managing Director of Operations
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