BSI Global is nothing short of a trail-
blazer in this area. Through an Inter-
national multivariable optimization
study, BSI Global analysed key fea-
tures such as energy requirements,
population growth & displacement,
environmental policies and other key
factors that resulted in the identifi-
cation of key regions and industries
where SMRs would be a good “fit”.
BSI Global has identified siting op-
portunities for SMRs technologies.
“We found sites around the world and
then matched them to the appropri-
ate technologies.”. Sites that aren’t
necessarily commonly known by oth-
er studies previously conducted. Our
approach is to create the opportuni-
ty, educate those with the need, and
propose the appropriate technologies
that will support the need. “Our global
and multi-industry involvements pro-
vide a fresh and out of the box per-
spective on possibilities.”
“We have approached technology-
based companies international and
are moving forward with creating in-
dustry and energy solutions,” says
Roux. By taking these technologies to
companies who are otherwise unfa-
miliar with the opportunities that are
tailored specifically for them, makes
BSI Global a sought after professional
service company. Says Roux, “Vari-
able interests and knowledge from di-
versity really brings a different light to
these types of solutions.”
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