BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 155

By Anna Guy
ay Natraoro, President of
Stalkaya Group, BC’s Squa-
mish Nation-member owned
construction company, has always
been a visionary. contributing to his
culture has always been an underlying
theme in his life, even Before starting
Stalkaya. Natraoro is behind some of
the most acclaimed carvings in the
country. You may not know it, but
chances are, if you’ve been to British
Columbia, you’ve felt his influence: His
work is on permanent display in six
art venues in British Columbia. Olym-
pics for perm exhibition areas. While
art will always be an important out-
let for Natraoro, there was a calling to
contribute to First Nations cultures in
another way.
Extraordinarily self-driven, Natraoro
worked 12-hour shifts in construction
to put himself through certification
programs in safety, and heavy equip-
ment, graduating top of his class. Us-
ing his degree, Natraoro cut his teeth
in civil engineering and mining proj-
ects over the west coast and Northern
business elite canada 155
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