Established in 2011 and going full scale
to market in 2013, Kiko Water Systems
is the brain child of Jeff Addison, Man-
aging Director, and his team. With an
ingrained passion for sustainability,
Addison set out to create a product
that would help reduce energy con-
sumption in large commercial build-
ings—the single biggest consumers of
energy and cause of related carbon
The solution is a truly innovative green
product that ties into existing building
HVAC systems found in the buildings
HVAC systems. “No one is really look-
ing at water in terms of physics and
the thermal transfer,” he says. “Water
has a high heat capacity, and takes
long time to heat and cool. This tech-
nology is great to lower the heat ca-
pacity and improve the thermal trans-
The technology Addison describes is
the Kiko Water Systems proprietary
cartridges. The science behind it is
Jeff Addison and Joel Russell in a chiller plant
164 business elite canada