based on kinetic energy which alters
HVAC water in order to make HVAC
operations as efficient as possible.
For those of us who aren’t physicists,
it may seem slightly complex, but
anyone can understand its benefits:
by reducing operational costs, Kiko
makes your building less costly to op-
erate, less harmful to the environment,
simpler to maintain and operate and
more attractive to prospective ten-
ants, all without any capital costs.
“Our cartridges are easily installed in
water loops with no system shutdown,
and save clients on average, 20 per
cent of HVAC energy consumption in
first couple of months,” says Addison.
“Payback is almost immediate.”
Triovest saw the payback, and quickly
added Kiko Water System to its lo-
cal portfolio. Upon seeing positive
results across the board, it expanded
throughout their portfolio. Other cli-
ents, such as Four Seasons Hotels,
Westin Hotels, and large-scale pen-
sion funds followed suit, both within
Taking a water sample from a closed loop system
business elite canada 165