BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 174

ager, William (Bill) Miller as the two
senior specialists on the team. With
over 20 years of experience as an in-
dustry leader in remote workforce
housing logistics, Holowaty’s lead-
ership and knowledge have proven
vital for numerous high profile and
complex temporary accommodation
projects including the 2013 Calgary
flood disaster relief camp, and the
3000-person facility for the Depart-
ment of National Defence during the
2010 Olympic Games.
Holowaty says Fireweed’s commit-
ment to quality was a big draw for
him joining the team. “I’ve dealt with
so many different camps and cater-
ing companies over the years, and,
generally, the food quality is just not
there anymore. So many companies
will do “heat and go” and “boil in a
bag” menus. There are not may com-
panies left that chef anymore, and
these guys, that’s what they do; good
quality chefs and cooks, which is what
the clients want. They want that qual-
ity. We can customize the menu to
whatever you want. And if you want a
games room? A VIP room? You name
it, they provide it.”
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