BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 137

the firm’s numbers: IMMODEV did
the most listings on their website
than any other independent real es-
tate firm.
“We are always available for our cli-
ents,” says Vadenboncoeur, adding
there is no point in investing in mar-
keting and advertising if you aren’t
there to answer a call. “I’m sorry to
say in the market a lot of people
don’t rush to answer calls. We pride
ourselves on a strong follow-up.”
IMMODEV also participates within
the communities in which it is active.
A quick Google search shows IMMOD-
EV is often sought out by media for
its opinion and takes on urban sprawl,
renewal and development. Vadebon-
coeur also supports such causes as
the Rosemere Foundation, the Red
Cross, Moisson Laurentides, Industrial
Development Councils, Chambers of
Commerces and Lions International,
though he chooses to do so quietly.
“Every day is a different day,” says
Vadeboncoeur. “It’s always different,
which is great. This is what helps us
thrive and find our jobs interesting.
I’ve been doing this for a while, and
I still love what I’m doing more than
Marc Vadeboncoeur, President & CEO
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