BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 134

“Wewanted to focus on small andmedium-sizedbusinesseswith transactions
from one to mid-eight figure range, where we could tangibly help them run
their businesses more smoothly and efficiently. That is my passion.”
—Marc Vadeboncoeur
Marc Vadeboncoeur spoke to Busi-
ness Elite Canada about the ambi-
tious strategies that has led IMMOD-
EV to become one of the leading
independent firms in the country. Va-
deboncoeur credits an emphasis on
“tenacious planning on behalf of cli-
ents” and fostering a firm with a deep
knowledge and experience in the
Montreal marketplace for its success.
“I started a boutique commercial bro-
2083-2085 des Entreprises, Terrebonne, QC
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