Page 33 - BEC / FEB / 2022
P. 33
The maintenance shop is located more than seven stories underground, in the tunnel where maintenance work on rolling stock is conducted. The maintenance pit can handle a nine-car Azur train
PLATINUM ENVISION AWARD underground and overhead features were designed
with long-term durability and resilience at the heart
The (STM) was awarded the Platinum Envision of decision-making and the project converts a
recognition for the Côte-Vertu garage project at contaminated site for beneficial reuse.
the end of August 2021, the first recognition of this
kind in Canada for a public transit project and the “This achievement demonstrates that the STM has
highest possible recognition for major infrastructure acquired over time all the experience and expertise
projects in North America, such as metro and street to manage and deliver major infrastructure projects,
car systems. thanks to the dedication and professionalism of our
employees,” says Paquet. “The project is a major
The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure success. The commitment of the management
(ISI) auditors award STM with this recognition team made it possible to obtain key benefits in
as “an excellent example of responding to sustainable development. We closely monitored
community needs by expanding and improving these goals throughout the project delivery, in
public transportation infrastructure.” Among the every action, decision and milestone. Sustainable
accolated the projects has received are that both development is part of the STM’s core values.”