Page 34 - BEC / FEB / 2022
P. 34
Bird view of the immense 50-metre-wide hole for the fan of tracks.
Some aspects of the project that were instrumental
STM PARTNERS in achieving this project success (Platinum Envision
• Project owner and project construction certification, e.g.) include:
manager: Société de transport de Montréal
(STM); Mobility and urban planning:
• Architectural/ architect firm: STGM / Jodoin • Conversion of a contaminated wastelot into a new
Lamarre Pratte / Bisson Fortin architects en public area, with a future development opportunity
consortium; on the southern side of the main site
• Engineer: Société de transport de Montréal • Architectural quality and urban integration
(STM), Hatch (engineering consortium), SNC- facilitating the connectivity between sectors and
Lavalin (engineering consortium) and Stantec improving community travel
(engineering consortium); Worksite impact management. The choice of
• Contractor: Several contractors; materials resulted in:
• Other Key Players: Englobe (geotechnical • A 26% reduction of the materials carbon footprint
and environmental field surveillance) and • A recycled materials threshold of 41%
Macogep; • 87% of materials meeting responsible procurement
• Legal: Société de transport de Montréal (STM). criteria
• 65% of materials were sourced locally