BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 56

70 to 80 per cent reduction in electrical costs, 25 per-
cent reduction in nutrient costs, and close to zero wa-
ter wastage. “We wanted to make sure there was an
environmental sustainability component to our com-
pany and applied science to growing our plants and
managing processes around the plant,” says Robinson.
“With less power usage and not wasting water and nu-
trients, we are not harming the great earth we are on.”
The technology is repeatable, so the product is go-
ing to express the same way every time, meaning pa-
tients, users, and researchers can have predictable re-
sults, even when grown in different facilities. This also
allows for a properly priced gram every time, which is
good for clients and investors alike.
As the medical and adult recreational markets evolve,
new scientific knowledge needs to be developed.
RavenQuest maintains a commitment to product excel-
lence and maximizing shareholder value. To this end,
RavenQuest has entered into a research partnership
with Canada’s top-ranked McGill University, prioritiz-
ing plant stabilization and the maximization of flower
production in cannabis plants. Through a landmark re-
search partnership with Montreal’s McGill University
focussed upon cultivar (strain) recognition, plant stabi-
lization and yield maximization of the cannabis plant.
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