BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 65

This phased approach provided for a progres-
sive turnover of assets to operations over
time, avoiding a commissioning bottleneck in
the final stages of the project, and enabling
early testing of the Mine, Primary Extraction
and Utilities facilities. The project has already
completed five test runs of the plant, produc-
ing 1.4 million barrels of froth.
The second and third trains of secondary ex-
traction are being insulated and expected to
start up in the first half of 2018, as planned.
Fort Hills remains on track to reach 90 per cent
capacity by the end of 2018.
Suncor’s 2018 capital program will be focused
on the efficient and effective ramp up at both
of Suncor’s major growth projects, Fort Hills
and Hebron, development of step-out off-
shore projects and improving the safety and
reliability of the company’s operating assets.
“The value of our integrated model was front
and centre this quarter as strong financial re-
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