and the general public.
A non-profit organization established in 1960
to represent the nuclear industry in Canada,
the CNA represents approximately 100 mem-
ber-companies from across the country. These
are women and men who mine and process
uranium; design, build and operate nuclear re-
actors; specialize in engineering, manufactur-
ing, and research and development; and are
involved in consulting, training, staffing and
The CNA works alongside its members and
all communities to promote the industry and
work with governments on policies affecting
the sector and to increase awareness and un-
derstanding of the value nuclear technology
brings to the environment, economy and daily
lives of Canadians.
“Canada is one of only a few top-tier nuclear
countries, meaning countries that have ca-
pabilities across the whole spectrum of civil
nuclear technology,” says Dr. Barrett. “In addi-
tion to seven decades of investment in nuclear
technology and innovation, we have some of
the world’s best uranium resources, a wealth