Page 10 - BEC / JULY / 2022
P. 10
“The Nunavut Land Claims, which was settled in 1993,
included a commitment for the establishment of a
separate territory,” he says. “Subsequently, federal
legislation was passed in the form of the Nunavut
Act, which constitutionally allowed for the new
territory and the new Government of Nunavut to be
implemented commencing April 1, 1999.”
The new Nunavut Territorial Government would
require an infrastructure of office buildings, legislative
facilities and staff housing. “The decentralized model
of the government magnified these requirements,”
Narwhal Plumbing & Heating Ltd. is incor- says Synard. “Inuit leadership, through Nunavut
porated in Iqaluit since 1988 and is a leader
in this expertise. Our main objective is to Tunngavik Incorporated (“NTI”), recognized that
provide dependable mechanical contract- these infrastructure needs contained the elements
ing services with high-quality work locally of a significant investment opportunity for the Inuit
within Nunavut. We continue to strive every
day to provide the quality of work the ter- beneficiary corporations along with substantial
ritory deserves. We are greatly committed business opportunities that would provide a great
and work hard towards employing and train-
ing local residents in Nunavut. This in turn boost to Nunavut economic development.”
enables the local communities to benefit
from the projects being completed in their After a “partnering arrangement” was negotiated,
own communities. Our team has grown into
servicing all 25 communities in Nunavut NCC was established as an arm’s length private
with trained professionals in the fields of corporate vehicle by which the Inuit could pursue
plumbing, heating, HVAC, ventilation, con-
trol, thermal insulation, oil system repairs, these economic opportunities. The four Inuit
and maintenance. We are capable of com- birthright development corporations of Nunavut
pleting projects of any size and on time with (Nunasi Corporation, Qikiqtaaluk Corporation, Sakku
the respected budget. We are constantly
up-to-date with the ever-changing business Investments Corporation and Kitikmeot Corporation)
climate so we can provide the leading-edge became the owners of NCC, and all remain equal
in mechanical building systems trade. With
the extensive expertise and the vast amount shareholders today. This ownership structure enables
of knowledge our team has gained working NCC to operate in all three regions of Nunavut: the
on these projects, we will continue to serve Qikiqtaaluk Region, the Kivalliq Region and the
our Nunavut communities with pride.
Kitikmeot Region.